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  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    PCMSO NR - 7 Occupational Health Medical Control Program NR - 7 BUDGET OTHER REPORTS O que é PGR? O Programa de Gerenciamento de Riscos , antigo PPRA: Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais, existe para orientação e realização das analises quantitativas e qualitativas no ambiente de trabalho visando evitar, identificar, avaliar e classificar os riscos e consequentemente implementar medidas de proteções e acompanhar sua eficácia. Para que serve o PGR? O Programa de Gerenciamento de Risco (PGR), como o próprio nome sugere, é um programa adotado pelas organizações com o intuito de gerenciar os riscos existentes no local de suas atividades. Com que frequência deve ser elaborado o PGR? O documento base deve ser elaborado no mínimo uma vez ao ano, mas deve ser revisto sempre que necessário, isto é, sempre que houver qualquer mudança nos riscos aos quais o trabalhador está exposto por alterações no processo de produção, na disposição de equipamentos ou no trânsito de funcionários. As metas e as prioridades de prevenção deverão ser alteradas de acordo. Entre em contato através de nossos canais de atendimento, tire as suas dúvidas e solicite um orçamento sem compromisso. Será um prazer atende-lo! PCMSO BUDGET OTHER REPORTS

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    Instrutores qualificados Certificado Atividades praticas e teóricas Segurança em Trabalhos com Eletricidade NR - 10 O treinamneto visa formar profissionais capacitados para trabalho com eletricidade com aperfeiçoamento técnico para que possam desempenhar suas atividades de forma correta e segura. Sobre o treinamento This course aims to train qualified professionals to work with electricity with technical improvement so that they can carry out their activities correctly and safely. The technical team is made up of highly qualified professionals in their area of expertise and able to develop the best practices and business solutions tailored to the needs of each client. Professionals Involved - Electrical engineer - Responsible engineer - Rescue Firefighter - Civil firefighter Course Presentation This course aims to train trained professionals to work with electricity with technical improvement so that they can perform their activities correctly and safely, avoiding all risks related to the activity in order to prevent accidents, making correct use EPCs (Collective Protective Equipment), PPE (Individual Protective Equipment) and stopping and blocking systems. Atendimento Para mais informações entre em contato conosco Falar com consultor

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    Environmental Licensing Application for Environmental Licenses IBAMA CETESB ​ Request de LP/LI/LO CADRI request Request for Technical Opinion APP intervention Vegetation suppression Environmental licensing is a tool used to monitor and control potentially polluting activities. BUDGET

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    PCMAT NR - 18 Program for Working Conditions and Environment in the Construction Industry NR - 18 BUDGET OTHER REPORTS

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    Trabalho em Altura NR 35 O treinamento voltado a prevenção de acidentes em altura e adequação a norma regulamentadora NR35, tem como objetivo capacitar qualquer operário que exerça algum tipo de trabalho ou atividade em altura acima de 2m, procedendo de forma segura onde irá preservar sua saúde e sua vida. A falta dessa capacitação coloca em risco a segurança do operário submetendo-o a riscos de morte e é passivo de multa e embargo do trabalho perante uma fiscalização. Instrutores qualificados Campo de treinamento completo Certificado Atividades praticas e teóricas Sobre o treinamento O curso voltado a prevenção de acidentes em altura e adequação a norma regulamentadora NR35, tem como objetivo capacitar qualquer operário que exerça algum tipo de trabalho ou atividade em altura acima de 2m, procedendo de forma segura onde irá preservar sua saúde e sua vida. A falta dessa capacitação coloca em risco a segurança do operário submetendo-o a riscos de morte e é passivo de multa e embargo do trabalho perante uma fiscalização. A GOLD Engenharia ministra esse curso com o diferencial de pesquisar antecipadamente as atividades exercidas pelos futuros capacitados, afim de mostrar soluções que os mesmos possam implementar durante sua rotina de trabalho. Nossos instrutores são legalmente capacitados ao ministrar o curso de NR 35, com um know how de mais de 10 anos entre práticas esportivas e industriais, em técnicas de alpinismo e resgate técnico vertical. Contamos com mais de 15 mil reais em equipamentos, onde cada aluno tem seu próprio cinto para a prática das atividades. Dividimos o nosso curso em 3 partes: 2 horas para o estudo de legislação, condutas de segurança, patologias causadas por acidentes em altura e primeiros socorros básico; 1 hora para apresentação de material; 5 horas de exercícios práticos, onde os alunos aprendem técnicas de nós homologados pelo UIAA, uso de escadas e andaimes e montagem de sistemas de proteção em altura (dependendo da atividade da empresa, uma carga horaria maior pode ser adquirida).

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    Recovery of Degraded Areas Recovery Plan for Degraded Areas The Plan for the Recovery of Degraded Areas (PRAD) is designed with the objective of establishing basic technical criteria and offering guidelines for the preparation of Projects for Reforestation and Recovery of Degraded Areas aimed at restoring ecosystems. . The recovery of the environment occurs after the installation of the enterprise. In the areas to be recovered, the basic methodological procedures for land preparation, planting and a basic monitoring plan after planting are presented and executed. planting by seedlings In this process, seedlings are planted randomly or systematically (in rows), with different spacing that can vary depending on the relief, the type of vegetation to be restored and the speed with which the soil is to be covered. Periodic planting maintenance The planting of a crop must be very well planned, as it determines the beginning of a process of about 120 days that will affect all the operations involved, in addition to determining the possibilities of success or failure of the crop. Planting planning begins with the purchase of seed and other inputs. The farmer should plan the best time to receive the seed, as well as reserve a clean and airy place to store it until the planting date. Gold Engenharia has a highly qualified team in order to offer its customers quality and excellence in the services provided.​ BUDGET

  • PGR Programa de Gerenciamento de Riscos

    What is PGR? THERisk Management Program , formerly PPRA: Environmental Risk Prevention Program, exists to guide and carry out quantitative and qualitative analyzes in the work environment in order to avoid, identify, assess and classify risks and consequently implement protective measures e_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ monitor its effectiveness. ​ What is the PGR used for? The Risk Management Program (RMP), as its name suggests, is a program adopted by organizations with the aim of managing existing risks at the location of their activities. ​ How often should the PGR be prepared? The basic document must be prepared at least once a year, but must be revised whenever necessary, that is, whenever there is any change in the risks to which the worker is exposed due to changes in the production process, in the disposition of equipment or in the employee transit. Prevention goals and priorities will need to change accordingly. ​ Get in touch through our service channels, clear your doubts and request a budget without commitment. It will be a pleasure to serve you! PGR (Programa de Gerenciamento de Riscos) BUDGET OTHER REPORTS

  • Curso de Brigada de Incêndio

    Lifeline for Roofs Roof lifelines are designed according to your company's needs, always with the very best in technology and practicality. The lifeline can be fixed to the structure or directly to the roof (depending on the type of tile) and serves for greater security in all accesses to the roof . ORÇAMENTO Veja todas as LINHAS DE VIDA

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    Instrutores qualificados Certificado Atividades praticas e teóricas Segurança em Trabalhos com Eletricidade NR - 10 O treinamneto visa formar profissionais capacitados para trabalho com eletricidade com aperfeiçoamento técnico para que possam desempenhar suas atividades de forma correta e segura. Sobre o treinamento This course aims to train qualified professionals to work with electricity with technical improvement so that they can carry out their activities correctly and safely. The technical team is made up of highly qualified professionals in their area of expertise and able to develop the best practices and business solutions tailored to the needs of each client. Professionals Involved - Electrical engineer - Responsible engineer - Rescue Firefighter - Civil firefighter Course Presentation This course aims to train trained professionals to work with electricity with technical improvement so that they can perform their activities correctly and safely, avoiding all risks related to the activity in order to prevent accidents, making correct use EPCs (Collective Protective Equipment), PPE (Individual Protective Equipment) and stopping and blocking systems. Atendimento Para mais informações entre em contato conosco Falar com consultor

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    Technical Reports In order to comply with eSocial in compliance with Ordinance No. 3,214, of 06/08/1978, we offer a range of Programs and Technical Reports, always aiming mainly at preventing accidents and extending workers' health. PPP Social Security Professional Profile know more RMP Risk Management Program know more PCMSO Medical Control Program d and health Occupational know more Service For more information, contact us Talk to consultant

  • Gold Engenharia Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho

    Forest Services Forest Service: Suppression of native vegetation Any activity involving the suppression of native vegetation or not depends on authorization, whatever the type of vegetation (Atlantic forest, cerrado and others) and the stage of development (initial, medium, advanced or climax). Even a simple grove (removal of vegetation from the understory of the forest) or forest exploitation under a sustainable management regime, for the selective removal of commercial specimens (palm hearts, vines, ornamental species, medicinal species, wood logs, etc.) be carried out without the support of the AUTHORIZATION for deletion. Forest Service: Environmental Compensation It is foreseen in law 9985 that establishes the SNUC (National System of Conservation Units), it is a financial practice that intends to neutralize the unmitigated environmental impacts of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the environment, caused by any form of matter or energy resulting from developments that affect the ecosystem's carrying capacity and the direct use of environmental resources. Gold Engenharia helps your company to develop projects whether they are preventive or corrective for Environmental Compensation Forest Service : Recovery of degraded areas The recovery of degraded areas is closely linked to the science of ecological restoration. Ecological restoration is the process of helping to restore an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed. An ecosystem is considered recovered – and restored – when it contains enough biotic and abiotic resources to continue its development without additional aid or subsidies. Intervention in APP area Intervention in permanent preservation areas Permanent preservation area is the area protected under the terms of articles 4, 5 and 6 of Federal Law No. 12.651/12, covered or not by native vegetation, with the environmental function of preserving water resources, landscape, geological stability , biodiversity, the gene flow of fauna and flora, protect the soil and ensure the well-being of human populations. Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) O CAR is an electronic registration, mandatory for all rural properties, forming a strategic database for the control, monitoring and combating deforestation of forests and other forms of native vegetation do Brasil, as well as for environmental and economic planning of rural properties. The professionalism you need is here. On the Gold Engineering team! BUDGET

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